Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nye/Ham Creation Evolution Debate: This was intellectual professional wrestling...

The conclusion I walked away from in what I saw of the Ham/Nye debate was this. Science is about a systematic exploration and attempt to figure out the natural processes of our universe as best we can, given present tools, knowledge and assumptions. At best, with the proper mindset, it not only helps us understand how things work, but gives us a greater appreciation of the wonder of it all. Religion/spirituality/faith, properly pursued, is about the inner self, the true self, that which transcends space and time, and seeking transcendent understanding of ourselves and greater realities. The two don't dabble in each other's realms, though I believe an open-minded embrace of each enhances appreciation and metaphysical understanding of both. What corrupts BOTH, and we see it in all kinds of ways in our modern culture, is when we let world views formed by the embrace of either one become ideology. When it ceases being the humble pursuit of understanding and enlightenment and becomes the arrogant quest for idealogical conquest, both become corrupted, base, and far from the higher as pirations they should stand for, and the inspiration they should provide.
Now, don't get me wrong.  Both men were polite and erudite, but they came in both misrepresenting the world views upon which they stand.  Mr. Ham loses credibility for himself when he presents a world view that says to be a person of faith, you must accept the most literal interpretations of Holy Scripture you can muster, never mind that such an interpretation comes apart at just the slightest bit of critical thinking.  Also, such an interpretation not only isn't the point of the faiths represented by the text, the faith gets mired in an argument that takes attention away from the main reason the faith exists in the first place.  For Nye's part, sure, he may have the science, at least as we presently understand it, correct, but again, he doesn't let that just say within the bounds of science itself.  It does inform for him an ideology that is also harmful and does not stand up to scrutiny.  Plus, for me, scientists wanting to brawl with creationists always strikes me as...unsporting.

Here's to a polite, gentlemanly debate.  Just wish it wasn't an unnecessary freak show. 

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