Friday, February 14, 2014

Defiance: Blandly going where everyone has gone before...

Oh, Defiance, you let me down.  You invite me to a post apocalyptic world, alien invasion style.  You butter me up with beautiful alien spaceship and a landscape that is otherworldly yet familiar.  You further pull me in with a charming salute to The Man In Black, Johnny Cash, the perfect musical accompaniment to a series pursuing a "Western" feel.  And let me down.

The hero?  Bland.  The characters?  Not interesting.  The suggestions of intrigue?  Not intriguing.  The aliens?  For the most part, they are like castoffs from lazy designers on Star Trek.  The attempt at a hint of a Romeo and Juliet thing going on between two powerful families?  Sigh.

You know, when I hear that a new show has creative folks from Battlestar Galactica and Farscape, I am not so cynical as to believe this is just hype.  I want something with the political intrigue and hope hidden in darkness of Galactica.  I want the quirk, creativity and humor of Farscape. I want a show that isn't a clone of those other shows, but I want something that shows the pedigree it is supposedly being born out of.

Yes, I know you were going for a Western motif, and believe me, I LOVE me a Space Western.  But after Firefly, I guess I'm kind of spoiled, now that I know that "Western" can mean something more than set dressing and wall paper.


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