Monday, January 6, 2014

The New Year-No Resolutions, Just Plans

Just ruminating a bit here in between reviews and what not.  2014 is going to feature the biggest changes in my life since...well, about 14 years ago, since I rejoined the Army.  Then, I was seeking to continue forging a career as a broadcaster, specifically radio announcing and performing.  When I attended the Defense Information School, where the US military trains broadcasters, print journalists, photographers and the like, I also received extensive training in television.  Not what I sought work in, but extra skills are never a bad thing.  Since then, I have worked extensively in my chosen field of radio in many different countries and am convinced I am on the right course. 

However, since reaching my current rank (Staff Sergeant), seeing decisions being made at upper levels that seem to give radio less credence, questioning editorial policies from the top and generally having less fun, and seeing fifty close in...I've decided that I'm not reenlisting and now is time for change.

I'm getting out of the active service.  I'm staying involved in the  US military, but I'm changing services (likely the Navy), components (active to reserve) and career fields (the Chaplaincy).  I'm initially settling in my hometown but will likely branch out as I go into grad school.  I will be staying in radio broadcasting on the civilian side, but will be pursuing other professional goals, that is, building a voiceover business as well as writing.

Oh, and will pursue some other miscellaneous goals, like learning more about mixology and getting my pilot's license.


On my way in 2014.

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