Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Conjuring-Some People Can Do Horror Flicks

I love me some horror.  When it comes to horror stories, however, especially cinematic horror, I'm fussy, picky.  I have supremely high standards, which relatively few horror movies come to.  I want atmosphere.  I want to experience genuine chills.  I want my mind played with.  Blood is ok, even necessary, but in itself accomplishes nothing.  And, I want characters I care about, that engage me, that convince me of their humanity.  In fact, I would say the last element is one of the most critical.  For, when the dying starts, if these people were just carboard lambs for the slaughter, who cares when they die?
This film is directed by James Wan, an up and coming young director from Malaysia who has made his bones in horror.  He seems to understand horror filmmaking.  In fact, you listen to the commentary, you see he is big on atmosphere.  He especially is big on the soundscape, the mood set by the sound used to create the proper feel, so when the scares come, they are genuine.
This film is based on a case by a couple of veteran paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren.  Ed is a Navy vet, former police officer and self trained "demonologist".  Lorraine is a psychic.  And, though what they do takes a toll, they believe they have a calling and continue this pursuit.  In this case, which took place in 1971, a family is haunted in a farm house by an entity that targets the mother in the family.  Eventually, it is found out the spirit is the shade of a witch who tried to sacrifice her children to Satan and later hung herself.  It is also mentioned the house contains other spirits, but her's is the most powerful and malevolent.
The Warrens bring their team in and during an investigation in which several strange events are experienced, an exorcism is conducted. 
Now, I tend to take paranormal phenomenon seriously.  So the case of the Warrens, which I previously was unaware of, brings in a fascinating angle.  However, the question is, does The Conjuring work first and foremost as a horror film?  I'm pleased to say, yes, it does.  The cast is mostly unknowns, at least to me.  But they are all engaging and well written, so I felt for their plight.  The only actor I recognized is Ron Livingston, Peter from Office Space as well as an astronaut in the one season wonder, Defying Gravity.
But indeed, this one is one of mood, creating that genuine suspense, that of fear.  When the strange things begin feel it.
Good flick.

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