Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Did I Offend You? If That Is All You Have To Complain About, Praise The Lord...

Facebook is an interesting animal.  It is the electronic equivalent of a public thoroughfare.  It is a town square, complete with bulletin boards, soap box speeches, overheard conversations, street preaching, barkers, stump speeches and so forth.  Yes, there are privacy settings for when you want your palaver to be restricted to a certain huddle.  And yes, unscrupulous sorts seek to peer into your huddle, mostly try to sell you stuff, but also for other more nefarious reasons. But...though it is merely an electronic facsimile, it  Where human speech and human thought happen.

Here's a reality check.  Life, real life, real thought, is not safe, is not clean, is not child safe.  It is the real thought/speech life where real humans interact.  And adults aren't just a bunch of people clustered with toddlers seeking to shield them from the more unsavory aspects of the real world.  To childproof it, as it were.  The public thoroughfare is not build around your sensitivities, hangups and sacred cows.  And there are those who carry various battle scares and seek to avoid references to things that tempt their souls, be it sex, booze or whatever.  But those things are also a legit part of human discourse and can be discussed in an "adult" manner.

Real life is not about anyone's sensibilities.  Life is just life.  There are those of it who want to discuss it from one perspective, whatever it is.  And we often do it in the public thoroughfare.  Some are troubled by "brazen" honesty and a disregard for sacred cows.  And that's ok.  Be troubled.

I'm just going to suggest the public thoroughfare may not be for you.

Or, think of it like a big Gallagher show and wear a raincoat.  Because wherever you are in the social media space, it is all the front row.

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