Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Beavis and Butthead: Out of Time or of their Times?

I just watched the news one season of Beavis and Butthead that came and went on MTV.  The boys premiered to fanfare and good ratings but quickly sank.  Now, having watched it myself, I have to say, it was great to have the boys back, their satirical voice just as on point as always.  But, unlike the late 80s and 90s in which the show originally ran, the elements they picked to slay in their in between segments, the videos, "reality tv" segments and the like...I don't watch any of that, but it has always been my impression that much of popular culture has become far more forgettable, disposable and throwaway than the stuff BnB originally contended with.  Based on both what they targeted and what they had to say about it, it is almost as if they had to struggle to come up with lines that were more than just the fart in the wind pap they were targetting.  Boys, let us hope you find a new home worthy of your talents.  It is clear that what passes for the viewing audience for Mtv nowadays has no idea what they have in you and frankly, you are too good for them at this point.

If you are looking for something to get yourself for the New Year, though?  Pick up this season on Blu Ray.  Watch it with a smart friend.  And some nachos.

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