Monday, August 11, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...the cinematic version of Putin's Russia...

Let me explain...

Looks like 'em.  Mostly.  The lips and the noses are kind of freaky.  Sort of throw a viewer off.  Then, you see them in the film, and they tower over the humans, as opposed to the way they are portrayed through most of their assorted media history, going all the way back to Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 from Mirage Studios in 1984 (now quite the collector's item book, if you can get a 1st printing in mint condition).  That is the thing that is the big seller for them, besides the contradictory concept of reputedly slow critters as speedy masters of stealth and martial arts.

Now, that aside, on the surface, you have the elements there.  The personalities seem intact.  Once you get past the physical differences, charm should take you a long way.  However, they aren't on there enough.  This turns into the April O'Neil extravaganza, with Megan Fox as the titular reporter on the case.  We are here to see the Turtles, though, so this gets out of balance pretty quickly.

Oh yeah, they are into pizza.  We got it.

And, that we've gotten past the obligatory characterization, Michael Bay (producer) has gotten bored and muscled the irrelevant director aside to blow some stuff up.  And some more stuff.  And yet, some more stuff.

Frankly, I'm tired of Michael Bay taking nostalgia, transmuting it to greenbacks and using them to perform personal hygiene after unsightly bodily functions take place.

The Turtles are better than that.  Oh, the Putin comparison?  There is a director on there, who has a decent body of work so far.  Battlefield Los Angeles was a decent alien invasion flick.  But it is clear that he was kind of pushed aside by the stronger personality of Michael Bay, just as Medvedev gets from Putin.  Even when Putin isn't "in charge" of the Russian Federation, he is.  So...if you see Michael Bay in the "producer" role...don't believe it for a second.

Not in the movies anyway.

But, poor Turtles, they get the abuse, and probably more, because the movie has made money, has muscled Guardians of the Galaxy out of the top spot (though all indications show that Guardians likely has the far longer legs, and the smart money shows that not only will it probably retake the top spot, it is going to be the big money maker of the year, so that's ok) and a sequel has been greenlit.

Well, the original film is still on disc and I've still got my comix.

Damn you, Michael Bay.  Viva la Turtles.

Better for you Turtle fans, enjoy...

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