Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mythic Journeys: All Stories Are Our Stories...

I love stories.  T'is true.  In all mediums.  Take me on a journey, give me something of a talisman to insert myself personally and take me through a tiny, or if you are really good, a tremendous transformation and make me something more on the other side.  At the very least entertain the helloutta me. 

There is one thing I am certain of after all this time, halfway through five decades on this mortal coil, we are each a story.  We are all combined a huge story.  And our stories that we tell aren't just ideas expressed on a medium.  They speak to truths inside us.  Our greatest stories, the ones that stick to us long after the last page, last note or the credits have rolled.  The ones that never leave us and find new fans long after their original origin date, those stories speak to something eternal in each one of us.  Something that sings to us.  We recognize this.  And that story in turn accepts us and allows us to take it in as a part of us, adding more color and character in our group of notes in the great song.

Sounds highfallutin', doesn't it?  Perhaps a bit far fetched?  Well, that is what Mythic Journeys is all about.  Through both a story told with the celebrity voices of Mark Hamil, Tim Curry, Lance Henrickson and stop motion puppets and various commentators talking about the subject of storytelling and myths, the point is driven home of the need for stories.  The general consensus is that modern culture has driven most into kind of a sleep state.  A routine.  A pattern.  You wake.  You get roughly the same breakfast and amount of coffee.  You go to work and do the same job.  You see the same people.  You get out of there roughly the same time.  You go back to the same house and see the same people.  And repeat.  The documentary makes the point that most of us have been driven into a sleep and even a kind of near death with such a state.  We remain so unless we take a more active interest in our lives and a desire to engage with the sublime truths that are waiting at the corner of our eyes.

Basically, the film is a call to recognize this idea, to engage these higher truths and to recognize our stories anew as a call to do this.  Our stories are a roadmap of inspiration, to lead us all on our own journeys of discovery to figure out these things and to have a great adventure and maybe even to change the world.

At the very least, it is a very cool idea.

Check it out.

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